The Cold War : The Red Scare
Learn the history of the Red Scare during the Cold War. A fear of communism caused black lists and accusations led by Senator Joseph McCarthy.
How did the Cold War cause the Red Scare quizlet?
The Red Scare happened twice. The first took place following the Russian Revolution and World War I. The second took place following World War II during the Cold War.
First Red Scare
During the Russian Revolution in 1917, communism initially emerged as a significant form of administration in Russia. Marxist Vladimir Lenin served as the leader of the Bolshevik Party, which oversaw the revolution. The existing government was overthrown, and the royal family was slaughtered. Private property was taken away during communism, and open religious practice was prohibited. Many People were terrified by this kind of governmental regulation.
Between 1919 and 1920, the first Red Scare took place. Several individuals attributed the workers’ strike to communism. Many people were detained solely on the basis that authorities believed they held communist views. The Sedition Act of 1918 even allowed for deportations by the government.
Second Red Scare
After World War II, at the outset of the Cold War with the Soviet Union, the second Red Scare took place. It lasted from 1947 until 1957, or roughly ten years.
Many were concerned that communism may penetrate the United States due to the spread of the ideology in Eastern Europe and China as well as the Korean War. Also, the Soviet Union had nuclear weapons and had emerged as a global superpower. They were wary of anyone because they thought they would support the communists and provide the Soviets with access to sensitive American secrets.
The Government
The Red Scare was actively supported by the American government. Senator Joseph McCarthy was a leading opponent of communism. McCarthy was adamant about exposing communists. But, in order to obtain information, he employed intimidation and rumors. When he claimed someone was an agent for the Soviet Union, he frequently lacked sufficient proof. Before other Congressmen put a stop to him, he destroyed many people’s lives and livelihoods.
J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI’s fervent anti-communist director, also became involved. McCarthy and other anti-communist leaders received the material after they utilized wiretaps and spied on suspected communists.
Senator Joseph McCarthy
Source: United Press
The House Committee on Un-American Activities took part in the Red Scare as well. A permanent committee in the House of Representatives, this one. Their investigation included Hollywood. They claimed that several Hollywood producers, screenwriters, and directors supported the communist cause. They desired that in media and entertainment, the Soviet Union would be represented as the enemy. There was a rumor that everyone suspected of having ties to the American Communist Party was put on a blacklist. During the Red Scare, no employers were willing to employ these folks.
Facts About the Red Scare
- Today, McCarthyism is employed more broadly than merely in the context of the Red Scare. It refers to accusations of treason or disloyalty made without providing supporting documentation.
- During the communist panic, the Cincinnati Reds baseball team changed their name to the “Redlegs” so that it wouldn’t be identified with communism.
- Not all of the trials and probes were terrible. They did find some real Soviet spies working for the federal administration.
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