Biography of Alfred the Great Alfred was the king of Wessex (871–899), a Saxon kingdom in southwest England. He was born in 849 and passed away in 899. He encouraged reading and learning while keeping England safe from the Danes. Around 890, during his reign, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle’s compilation got …
Read More »Vikings: History and Facts
Vikings: History and Facts During the Middle Ages, there was a group of people in Northern Europe known as Vikings. The Scandinavian regions that are now the nations of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway were first inhabited by them. In the Middle Ages, the Vikings were a significant force in Northern …
Read More »Kievan Rus: History and Facts
Kievan Rus: History and Facts Around the city of Kiev, the Kievan Rus was a strong empire in the Middle Ages. It functioned as the starting point and basis for both Russia and Ukraine. The capital city of Ukraine is currently Kiev. Kievan Rus: History and Facts History Originally from …
Read More »The Franks: History and Facts
The Franks: History and Facts The Franks: History and Facts Several Germanic tribes that moved into Gaul from northern Europe were the ancestors of the Franks. France got its name from the Franks, and this is where the country is now. During the Middle Ages, the Franks were ruled by …
Read More »Byzantine Empire: History and Facts
Byzantine Empire: History and Facts The Eastern Roman Empire became known as the Byzantine Empire after the Roman Empire broke up into two independent empires. After the fall of Rome and the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE, the Byzantine Empire lasted for a millennium. During the Middle Ages, the …
Read More »Anglo-Saxons History and Facts
Anglo-Saxons History and Facts Anglo-Saxons History and Facts Who were the Saxons? In the fifth century, a group of people known as the Saxons left northern Germany to settle on the island of Britain. The Saxons, Angles, and Jutes were the three primary groups of people. These people were referred …
Read More »Kings and Courts in Middle Ages
Kings and Courts in Middle Ages Kings and Courts in Middle Ages The King’s Court The term “king’s court” refers to the king’s household and council. Everywhere the king went, the court went too. The wise (ideally) men of the king’s court, who would include bishops and other religious officials …
Read More »Entertainment and Games in Middle Ages
Entertainment and Games in Middle Ages Sometimes, when we imagine the Middle Ages, we see gloomy days, soggy castles, enslaved peasants, and prisons. But the Middle Ages were also a time of great festivals, gatherings, feasts, games, and sports for the people. They enjoyed having fun, just like the rest …
Read More »Catholic church in middle ages
Catholic church in middle ages During the Middle Ages, Christianity and the Catholic Church were very important in Europe. The hub of town life was the nearby church. Every week, rituals were attended by people. At the church, they were married, baptized, and confirmed. The church even recognized monarchs as …
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